Friday, May 7, 2010


This morning, before starting my chemistry class, once in the blue moon Ms. Nadeline called me.. "where is Ahmad Zahir"... Yes.. I said.. I'm a bit frightened on that time.. The main thing playing in my mind was that I've done something wrong or didn't pass my literacy test... But, something unexpected happened, she said "You are chosen as the list of nominees for VALEDICTORIAN.. On that time, what the heaven is VALEDICTORIAN... After while, after a brief explanation by Nadeline, what I understand, I am chosen for a long standing candidates to give a speech during incoming graduation day...most likely as the student representative...

Here I provide the definition of the word 'VALEDICTORIAN'

A student, usually one who has been the most successful in a particular class, who makes a speech at a special ceremony at the end of a school year - Cambridge Online Dictionary

But.. there is only one student to be chosen from 10 candidates... So, am I able to compete with them??.. plus I am too lazy to join any extra curriculum activities as I think that it is not very useful for Canada university admission compared during my secondary school time.. as I join one of the leadership society such as prefect and others just to get the government scholarship... Basically, it is not a new experience for me to give a speech in front of the crowd as before this I'm responsible to be the chairperson for daily ceremony and other.. But it may be slightly different as there may be canadian audience from ontario education department.. Last but not least, I just accept all of the decisions with open heart...
Hope to achieve that title with greatest effort in the coming test and ISU assigment.. Arigato Gozaimas